Monday, February 2

The Reasons for My Intelligence

I'm sorry, I can neither get this silly blog to print these as hyperlinks or as videos in this window.

The Epic Presidents Song

Animaniacs On Hamlet (Yakko Contemplating Yorick):

This forever will be one of the greatest cartoon shows to ever be made, even though after watching it for years I developed the unfortunate side-effect of thinking that anyone that has a John Lennon style of voice must be like Wakko, and therefore an idiot. Sorry John, it's psychological.

(I just watched Animaniacs videos for the last hour and a half in waiting for breakfast, which has finally come and gone.)


Anonymous said...

On the links - Should have gone with bloo.

Anonymous said...

i was definitely down with Animaniacs. I have always thought it would be cool to know all the presidents, so as nerdy as it is, I might try memorizing that song.

Marie said...

by the way, I have to learn all the presidents in order for history. so, thanks for the video! :)

Kyle said...

haha, I'm glad the Animaniacs could be of service. If you ever need to learn the names of all the countries of the world, all the U.S. capitals, or all the words in the English language (with some short breaks in between), they are offered in the WB's course material as well.