Saturday, December 13

I love 30 Rock

102435__tracy_l-Just thought I'd share this find

Friday, December 5

Dos Cosas

1. I haven't been this sleep-deprived and over-caffeinated since calculus. I'm terribly wide-awake and jittery, but I keep veering from a deep, concentrated focus to a complete daze. This is going to be wonderful for the papers I have to finish for tomorrow. I'm anticipating a lot of stream of consciousness and a complete lack of organization. I've been calling this week Dying week and am very excited (maybe it's just the caffeine) at the fast-approaching end. I'm driving back to Houston tomorrow and plan on sleeping for a few days before beginning what I refer to as Death Week.
2. I know no one watches it, but the Survivor episode that was on tonight was pretty much the best one ever.

Tuesday, December 2

Another random realization

I just realized that the movie Pleasantville must be a real downer for colorblind people.

Here's your chance to make a difference

So I told my good buddy Jarvis Carr that I'd write a story for him to read and critique for the next time we hang out and here's a free chance to submit ideas. There will be romance; there will be action; there will be comedy; there will be blood. Oh, and there will absolutely be no semicolons. To be honest, this is going to be about at the writing level of 12-year-old me and I'm fully capable of writing a silly fantasy story, but I know I'll probably get bored in the creative process. So, I thought it would both be fun for me and help prompt me to actually do it, if people could give me a random character, object, or setting or whatever else to incorporate into it. Let your imaginations run wild, as long as I'll be able to keep up.