Thursday, October 9

In the beginning...there was the blog

Alright, I came to the sad realization that I had the desire to make a blog shortly after college started. Driving home from Oklahoma about a month ago, I finally settled on giving in and starting one -10 hour drives seem to prompt contemplations and resolutions often. My reasoning is threefold.

1. I hardly communicate with family and friends back in Houston anymore and every person seems to think that I'm either horribly depressed or that all is sunshine and rainbows. The logical solution is to keep in contact to dispel all the over-positive and over-negative thoughts -talking to everyone, but for a not-so-talented socialite like myself, a blog is preferable.

2. I've got my own opinions and feelings about "the issues" too (as well as some about movies, music, books, whistling, Smoothie King flavors, religion, relationships, and just the most random nonsense). It's a good way to let others into my head and for me to organize my thoughts as well. It's an online journal after all. Besides, I'll never write anything otherwise. I need to get into the habit of writing regularly again, even if it's just to express my feelings about a movie or show I've just seen, or a song I've just heard.

3. Boredom seems to have a way of finding me here at times and it seems like a decent way to keep myself and my brain occupied. If I don't do this, I only resort to late night sudokus, solitaire, and crossword puzzles, which, at best, improve my skill in meaningless activities and my vocabulary.

Everyone else seems to have one of these beasts anyway. I'm new to the blogging world (though I technically made mine a month ago) and I doubt I'll write at all regularly -likely often, but in no way consistently. I'm anticipating some ultra-multiblogging days as well as some long blogless months.

For now, a lot of my posts will be reactions to Scripture. I'm taking a course called Scriptures of the World as Literature, and we're reading most of the Bible in a few months (I believe we''re moving on to the New Testament next week). In all honesty, it's the first time I've set out to read all that I believe to be God-inspired. Don't get me wrong, I have read most, but there are books that I've only read a few chapters of, or just skimmed through once years ago. I'd like the thoughts of others to help me to make sense of it all. Sporadically, I'll throw in what I've done over the weekend and thoughts on other points of interest. We'll see how this works out.

I knew this day would come someday. I've been coming to you on a hard road, blog, and I'm not letting you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Okay, so WHY didn't you tell me you have a blog?!??!?!! I had to find out through FACEBOOK! Poo. But I'm excited about this!! PLEASE post often. Please.