Thursday, October 16

Show me the way James Stewart

I just made one of the best decisions of my life. I originally planned to go to sleep early tonight and get some rest (before 2), but my roommate didn't go to bed until much later and so, for no real reason, I decided to watch It's A Wonderful Life. Somehow I've managed to slip by all these years and call myself a fan of movies without ever seeing it. And maybe it was just the fact that I haven't really slept in a few days, but I haven't smiled so much or cried during a movie in a long time -what a beautiful movie.


Anonymous said...

YOU HAD NEVER SEEN IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE?!?!?! We watched freaking History of Violence together because we didn't know what else to get.

Kyle said...

Hahahaha. I blame society for not forcing me to watch it.

Anonymous said...

You are a communist, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

i too have managed to slip out of its grasp too. I think it's bc my mom doesn't like it. Don't yell at me bc i know you'll have the urge to. I don't know why it doesn't tickle her fancy

Anonymous said...

I'm with Ian...but my mom probably doesn't know what it is...

Anonymous said...

What the heck is up with kids not seeing that movie?!?!?!?! That's three people today who said they haven't seen it, one of whom said they hadn't even heard of it! How on earth did this happen? Seriously, this is giving me chills. I feel like everyone is playing a joke on me because they know it will make me freak out. How on earth! This Christmas, everyone. My house! We're watching it from beginning to end. And we'll keep watching it until everybody understands it.

Anonymous said...

Good call, Kyle!