Tuesday, October 21

SO many facebook notifications...

I'll post a brief little note on my birthday.
The day begins at midnight, and I always seem to be awake for that dawning, even if there's nothing to do. It was a good day though. I technically entered the birthday realm satisfying my new near-obsession, failing to complete crossword puzzles. Apparently my education has been a failure, because I don't know about sexologist Shere Hite (16 across). The witty crossword humor gets me every time though -so many puns. But this morning was a triumph, because I finished my first crossword puzzle without giving up and going to Google for help. I was so excited I attempted another and came 2 words short -still a pretty good percentage. I was still fully awake and bored so I figured I'd try one more, which sadly came to naught but utter failure. Thoroughly humbled, I hopped into bed (I literally have to jump off of a chair to make it onto my bed) and watched some Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. They started from the beginning! Hallelujah. We knew something was up when the name "Jazz" was not yet notorious, and I can now proudly say I've seen him thrown out of the house for the first time. I watched the nightly marathon from 1:45 to 4 and then still couldn't sleep so I watched a movie. I set out to watch a classic movie every weekday last week, but after two days, I realized online movies only go so far. I watched It's A Wonderful Life last Wednesday? and then Casablanca the following night. So Monday night/Tuesday morning, I set out to watch Citizen Kane. I found it nowhere, so I gave up and went to Hulu the all-powerful, and decided to watch Sleepless in Seattle. I wouldn't recommend watching it by yourself. It was a good movie, and had elements mimicking Casablanca so i was sold. When you finish a romance film around the time the sun rises though, with no one around you aside from a big-headed, colorblind sleeper, you tend to feel lonely. Aside from a few phone "best wishes," I spoke 5 words today -probably as a result of Sleepless in Seattle. As Fenton (my roomy) threw some object at me and told me to wake up (though I was wide awake), I responded "why?" First word! "You've been asleep for a long time" "Don't care." Triple Word Score! Then I also muttered "So true" after a comment about the practical uselessness of attending our music class. Sometimes I wonder how I maintain my ability to speak at all. Overall it was a pleasant day though –average, but pleasant. My mind was at ease for the most part and I've just been spending the day listening to a 500-song playlist I made and meant to give someone just before I left for college, and ruminating on happier times. It feels like a night that will be filled with lovely dreams.

Sadly, I also found out this week that all of my pseudo-birthday plans have failed. My favorite Spanish/salsa/conga band, Grupo Fantasma, canceled their concert scheduled on my birthday and is now playing at some outrageously wallet-emptying festival with Willie Nelson this weekend instead. I guess I won't be dancing. Backup plan: concert I don't want to go to: Jason Mraz: cheaper, but still impossibly expensive: $130…I see the poison but not the remedy. Maya Angelou spoke at UT today, but as you could probably guess, there were no tickets left. I'd go see Ben Folds, but no one seems to want to go, and it is pretty expensive, though less than half the price of the holy Mraz tickets. Is he really that popular? I think I'm just going to see Wall-E on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Wall-E is worth it.

Anonymous said...

You should just come to Waco.