Tuesday, October 14

It's not you, it's me...and the Prius.

So I’ve recently obtained my newest love, in the form of my new car, a shining Spectra Blue Prius Hybrid, single-handed saver of the environment (I think I’m exempted from Greenpeace speeches now). I’m still strangely sentimental about the loss of my beloved long –time companion, the old, red Oldsmobile Intrigue. So many memories… I even dedicated a song to it while I drove back to Austin this weekend. The Leonard Cohen song “So Long, Marianne,” came on as the first song of the trip. I felt it was appropriate, especially since I never named it beyond Old Red. Several referred to it as the “Crap Car” (affectionately I’m sure), but a true Christian name it never held. I’m sure I would have given it a masculine name had I selected one –what with its “just get the job done” attitude.

I’ve set out to name my new car, a name fitting of her spectacular Spectra Blue beauty. Deliberations will last through the week. I’m literally mesmerized while I drive this car, to the point that I’ll probably crash it promptly. There’s a GPS system and map with a constant “You are here” to watch move along the little street lines. More captivating though is a picture of my car’s wheels, engine, and battery, with pretty flashing colors, with an indicator of what my current miles per gallon ratio is –usually hovering around 45-50! I feel like I’m driving a Delorean with all the “space age” features on the new Prius. The door lock is activated via proximity to the key, and you only need to press a button to put the car and park, and even turn it on. I feel like I could almost get excited about cars now. Then of course I can’t forget the magical luxuries of locking doors and cruise control. I don’t have to manually lock all four doors on this one, a plus, and cruise control as well as the general greatness of the car curbs my urge to uncontrollable speed. This is all so revolutionary. To quote Larry David: "This car is a ****ing work of art." Thank you Prius (and parents).


Anonymous said...

Nice Curb reference, but you might change the article from "an" to "a", just so people can better guess the obscenity.

Next time you litter or take a public dump, just say, "It's cool, I drive a Prius."

Goodbye Old Red. Our hearts go with you.

Kyle said...

Haha, yeah. It's force of habit now to think of the letter alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm so infinitely jealous of you. Bah!

Anonymous said...

Why are you jealous, you've got the Gattimobile!